Saturday, February 6, 2010

Razors And Herpes What Is The Difference Between Herpes And Razor Burn?

What is the difference between herpes and razor burn? - razors and herpes

Visually, how can you tell which is which .. So I'm a little paranoid. but it seems to occur shortly after the ball ...


Agape said...

One can not say without a blood test. I've got a boyfriend, herpes and shaving head for outbreaks. Therefore, it could be one of them. Everyone has different symptoms.

You can create a certain type of blood test called Western blot request for herpes. "Do not test Complete" review of sexually transmitted diseases in general for herpes.

Rivergir... said...

When the bullets that occur only after shaving - and only if you shave - then they are probably Razor Burn.

However, this would be a bad idea to go for a full examination of sexually transmitted diseases at some point - if only to soothe your mind. Particular, they must request a blood test for herpes, since most do not contain the controls, the Free Trade Area.

In addition, you should expect to achieve the test is positive for HSV1 infected - the virus, usually the mouth but can infect the genitals. Most adults did (50% to 80%), herpes, and a blood test can not tell where you have herpes, it's just you. Like most adults have oral herpes, is likely to test positive again for at least HSV1.

Good question.

sophia.s... said...

Oh my God, I do not know if you anything because I'm not a doctor, but how unfortunate it was that high school in force.
This stupid boy I remember the name of a rumor in high school began, I had an STD, because I had razor burn one days. All my people in the career of the school is still not known, I have the skin. It was difficult.
I've never had an STD in my life every 6 months, but now I'm married. Checked every time I had a new pair when I was younger.
So far, I still shave Razor Burn, if I may, I began to get waxed.
The fact is that the matter probably do nothing and not just razor burn.
My only suggestion to use the knife 6 times in this area. I am not in other areas or even a piece of Arent other sensitive areas and can be used repeatedly. And keep the surface wet shaving youre best option is to do in the bathroom and shower afterwards, because otherwise the hair stuck all over Big summer must! haha

Good luck, baby

J B said...

Pellets after shaving the hairs are infected and may take some hydrocortisone cream on the area immediately after shaving to prevent this. Herpes less fluid filled spaces that arise in the labia.

catnurse... said...

Herpes is very painful and strong blows that sounds like a shaving rash for me

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